1. National Cyber Security Centre. “CNI Hub.”  https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/private-sector-cni/cni.
  2. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. “Critical Infrastructure Sectors.”  https://www.cisa.gov/critical-infrastructure-sectors.
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  8. House of Commons Committees. “A major cyber attack on the UK is a matter of ‘when, not if’.”  https://houseofcommons.shorthandstories.com/jcnss-cni-report/index.html.
  9. Infosecurity Group. “A Quarter of UK CNI Firms Have Suffered Cyber-Attack Outages.”  https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/a-quarter-of-uk-cni-firms/.
  10. uk. “Cyber Security of the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure.”  https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt201719/jtselect/jtnatsec/1708/170803.htm.
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  13. The White House. “What We Urge You To Do To Protect Against The Threat of Ransomware.”  https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Memo-What-We-Urge-You-To-Do-To-Protect-Against-The-Threat-of-Ransomware.pdf.
  14. The White House. “Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, June 3, 2021.”  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/06/03/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-jen-psaki-june-3-2021/.
What Are
& Risks?

What Are Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPCyber™) Warfare, Risks & Threats?

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ warfare has spread worldwide in recent years and is impacting everyone without exception through cyber attacks that are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious’ and/or geo-politically motivated. They are perpetrated by political and extremist groups, national security agencies and/or their proxies, and lone wolves.

Cyber security strategies and solutions that are followed like gospel have failed and will continue to fail to mitigate, defend and protect national sovereignty and corporate security from Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks on unprecedented scales and with devastating political, social, and financial consequences.
More Sinister and Destructive Than Financial Motivations

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are significantly different from financially motivated cyber-attacks in damage, scale, magnitude and require different and upscaled risk mitigation strategies and solutions.

Why Do Existing Strategies & Solution keep failing?

MLi Group chairman Khaled Fattal created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPCyber™) back in 2012 because of seismic game-changing events he had observed years before. Fattal believed that these events and trends will cause …

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